Annual Business Licenses are required for the following:

Hotel Licenses

Dec 7, 2022, 12:26 PM
Individuals and Businesses interested in applying for a Hotel License are required to complete the Hotel License Application available below. The Hotel License is required in addition to the Village’s General Business License. Completed applications should be returned to Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Road.
Once the application is returned to Village Hall, it will be reviewed by Finance and then forwarded to the Gurnee Police Department for final approval. The Village will approve or deny the issuance of a license. If approved, the applicant will receive a signed license for display at the establishment. If denied, the applicant will be notified in writing of the denial.
It is recommended that applicants review the following Village of Gurnee Hotel Ordinances prior to completing the application form:

     Ordinance 2022-65: Regulate and License Hotels (PDF)
     Ordinance 2022-66: Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax (PDF)
For information regarding the processing of a Hotel License, please contact Finance at 847-599-7500.

The following application is a fillable form. Open the PDF, download to your computer, click in the fields, and type your information. When you have finished, print, and return to the Finance Department at the Village Hall. 

     Hotel License Application (PDF)