
  • Dec 31, 2020, 08:00 AM

Top Stories of 2020: #11 2020 Census

As we ring in the new year, the Village wants to highlight some of the important things that happened in our community this year. Although there were struggles, there are many outstanding stories that should be highlighted.

Top Story #11: 2020 Census

The beginning of a new decade in 2020 called for a 2020 census. The census aims to count the entire population and the location where individuals live. This information is then used by public entities to create policies and receive funding that best supports their community. An accurate count also ensures fair political representation in the United States House of Representatives. The counting for the 2020 Census began in the spring and concluded on October 15th. The percentage of households that self-responded to the census in Illinois was 71.4%. 76.9% self-responded in Lake County. The self-response rate in Gurnee was 82.6%, which was a record response.