Liquor Licenses

Individuals interested in applying for a Liquor License are required to complete the Liquor License Application available below.  Those who apply are required to submit a $275.00 nonrefundable filing fee.  Completed applications, accompanied by the $275.00 filing fee, should be returned to Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Road.  Once the application is returned to Village Hall, it will be forwarded to the Gurnee Police Department for processing.  From time of submittal to the Gurnee Police Department, applicants should expect 45 to 60 days for the application to be processed and a recommendation forwarded to the Village Board.  Once the Police Department forwards a recommendation, the issue will be placed on a Regular Village Board Meeting agenda.  Regular Village Board meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.  Click here to view the Village Board Meeting schedule.  At the meeting, the Board will approve or deny the issuance of a license.  If approved, the applicant will receive a signed license for display at the establishment.  If denied, the applicant will be notified in writing of the denial. 

It is recommended that applicants review the Village of Gurnee Municipal Code Chapter 6: Alcoholic Beverages as well as Ordinance 2007-87 amending Chapter 6 prior to completing the application form.

Any changes in partnerships, officers, managers, etc. must be reported in writing to the Liquor Control Commissioner within 10 days of the change.  Please see Chapter 6: Section 6-18: Changes in interest, partnerships, and corporations of the Gurnee Municipal Code for further detail.  Notification of the change must be made on the Change of Agent, Manager, or Director form that is available below. 

For information regarding the processing of Liquor License Applications or the Change of Agent, Manager or Director form, please contact Earl Tuckman at 847-599-7028.

The Liquor License application is a fillable form. Open the PDF, download to your computer, click in the fields, and type your information. When you have finished, print and return to Village Hall.

The Liquor License Renewal application is a fillable form. Open the PDF, download to your computer, click in the fields, and type your information. When you have finished, print and return to Village Hall.

The Liquor License Change of Agent/Manager form is a fillable form. Open the PDF, download to your computer, click in the fields, and type your information. When you have finished, print and return to Village Hall.